Henningsvær apartments
Lofoten, Norway
Henningsvær is an old fishing village in Lofoten with its buildings and distinctive character dating back many hundreds of years. In 2004, unfortunately, one of the warehouses along the quay at Heimsundet burned down to the ground. Since then, the plot has lain fallow. Different projects and concepts have been tried, without gaining permissions from the cultural heritage department at the county municipality.
In 2019, Lundhagem was engaged to develop and design an apartment project on the site. Feasibility study and sketch project were designed in close collaboration with the cultural heritage department in the county municipality and the building affairs department at the local municipality.
In 2022, the "heart" of Henningsvær became listed as a cultural conservation area, including the buildings along the two long quay-fronts etc. The project was already aware of this coming listing and had been developed according to guidelines that would apply if conservation was concluded.
In 2022 and 2023 the project was submitted for planning permission, and approval gained. Dispensation from the Cultural Heritage Act was approved since the project “repaired the wound” from the fire.
In Henningsvær, and especially around the quay of Heimsundet, the settlement is relatively dense and compact. In places, buildings are connecting side by side, other places with only narrow alleys of 2-3 meters between them. A thorough site and development analysis was carried out as part of the feasibility study. 10 potential building volume concepts were developed, discussed, and evaluated. The 3 most feasible concepts were further developed and reviewed with the cultural heritage department and the municipality, before it was concluded with the concept of three quay front ware house volumes for the houses. Henningsvær's compactness is thus continued in the new project, including alleys and passageways. In terms of volume and proportion, the project is believed to fit into Henningsvær's rhythm and direction.
The project is planned to be built as a CLT construction and with extensive use of patinated wood finishes inside the building. Externally, the buildings will be clad with vertical wooden cladding, painted in three different typical Henningsvær colours. Large windows reflect the loading gates in the facades. Other windows are planned with a vertical expression. In terms of expression, no one wants a style copying of the old buildings, but instead, that new buildings adapt to the existing ones.
Along the quay on the first floor, it has been made possible for functions that will bring life and excitement to the quayside. A small cafe or an outlet, kayaks, fishing etc.